[ 3KM GAME UPDATE ]. Hello. Additional inspections will be conducted from 5 am to 7 am on Tuesday, April 17 (UTC).

17 Apr 2023, 04:53
[ 3KM GAME UPDATE ] Hello. Additional inspections will be conducted from 5 am to 7 am on Tuesday, April 17 (UTC) The game is not available while the update is in progress. Please refer to the game usage. Additional DTC medal drop updates are included. Please refer to the Medium for more information. Game Update Announcement ✅3KM Medium (EN): LINK DTC medal drop notice ✅3KM Medium (EN): LINK 📍3KM game download: LINK [3KM Multi-Game Platform] 🌳LinkTree l 🎮Discord l ✈️Telegram l 🐦Twitter l 📹Youtube